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If you cannot find the answer to your question(s), please contact me and I will be more than happy to help.

What are Microblading Brows?

Microblading is a method used to create super realistic hair stroke brows. It involves using a disposable hand-tool with super fine needles to deposit pigment within the upper layer of the skin to create the illusion of brow hair.

What are Ombré/Powder Brows?

Ombré Brows, also known as Powder Brows, are created in a similiar way to microblading but using different types of needles and a stipple technique to create a soft dusting of colour over the brows. Ombré/Powder brows are a more defined make-up look, they can be soft and natural looking or dramatic.

What are Combination Brows?

Is when you combine both methods described above, creating hair strokes and shading for define yet natural looking brows.

How long does microblading last?

I use the award-winning KB Pro pigment range, which has been created to heal soft and fade over time for a natural look. The duration will vary from person to person, depending on skin type, lifestyle and any products used on the skin on a regular basis. 

It is recommended to have a yearly colour boost to keep your brows looking their best.  The colour boost is usually done between 9-18 months after your initial 2 treatments, but this will depend on personal preference, breakdown of pigment and individual skin types.

Is microblading painful?

Microblading is a form of cosmetic tattooing, where needles are used to implant pigment into the skin.

The feeling is described as a small scratch on the skin. The pain threshold will vary from person to person and many of my clients don't experience any pain at all. 

Why do I need a patch test?

Conducting a patch test is very important as it confirms if you have any sensitivity to the products that I use during the treatment. 

The patch test will be carried out when you come for your consultation. I will apply a small amount of pigment and topical anaesthetic on your inner forearm. This is left for a minimun of 24 hours to see if any irritation or allergic reaction occurs.

Reactions are very rare, thankfully. 

Can I have microblading if I am pregnant or breastfeeding?

It is not recommended to have microblading if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. The products that are used for semi permanent makeup have not been tested on pregnant/breastfeeding women or babies. Therefore, I cannot guarantee that the procedure would be safe to perform. With the fluctuations in hormones during these periods, you increase the chances of sensitivity to the products used or even an allergic reaction. 

How do I book a microblading appointment?

The easiest way to book an appointment with me is to go to the Booking tab on this website and select a Microblading Consultation. This is a 30 min appointment, where I can asses your suitability, conduct a patch test, discuss shape & colour and answer any other questions you may have. The cost of the consultation is non refundable and secures your booking. The amount payed for the consultation, will then be deducted from the price of the treatment.

Can I have an alcoholic drink the night before my treatment or a caffeinated drink on the day of my treatment?

It is strongly advised that you don't drink alcohol the night before and/or any caffeinated drinks on the day of your treatment. Also, it is recommended to not have any medications like paracetamol, aspirin, ibuprofen etc. All these, can thin the blood and promote bleeding, interfering with the deposit and retention of pigment in the skin.  As a consequence, it will affect the final result.

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